Saturday, September 21, 2013

Elder Ryan Week 43

Hey family,

That is great news that you got the roof finished! Hopefully the weather hasn't been too hot this past week. That is cool that you got to go see a movie. I heard Iron Man 3 was really good. I haven't heard anything about Fast and Furious 6 yet. I did see the trailer for it we went to a members house and before they turned off the tv it played. It has also been killing me seeing the posters for it every where. 

So we didn't really do a whole lot on Monday. We had dinner with some members and had an appointment but other than that we didn't really do anything. Thanks for finding the scripture holder for me. You guys are great!

So I am training this cycle. We had transfers today. I am training Elder Ryan! Pretty cool right!?! haha President Morgan announces it, he has the missionary stand up and he introduces them. He goes Elder Ryan... you are being trained by... Elder Ryan...Fuller! haha I am very excited to be training. He was actually called to the Melbourne Australia mission Vietnamese speaking so he will only be here for a little while until he gets his visa. Sorry time is short.

Have a great week!
Elder Fuller

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